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Our Preschool

Creating enthusiastic and independent learners

Well planned play is central to children’s learning

Well planned play is central to children’s learning. Their learning is both challenging and fun.  We develop long term plans to deliver the curriculum as well as weekly plans based around the children’s current interests and developmental journeys. You can see all the planning on display outside the Preschool rooms.
Children aged 3 and 4 are constantly encountering new experiences which they try to understand. As they do so they explore the world around them, ask questions, extend their skills, develop their confidence and build on what they already know. Our aim is to ensure we maximise their opportunities to extend their learning and skills and prepare them for school.  During their time in our preschool rooms the children will develop through a number of activities which we do regularly to prepare the children for big school such as helping them to recognise and write their own name, and familiarising them with basic maths and phonic knowledge through our structured learning program led by our Qualified Primary Teachers.

Our Pre-school Teachers are qualified to deliver the Early Years Curriculum. Your child will continue to follow this curriculum until the end of their reception year at school and the quality of our Pre-School education is inspected by OFSTED in the same way as a school.


Planned play is key to learning

Children are challenged constantly to help their learning development